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10 Things I've Learned While Living with my Sister

I’ve been living with my older sister Anna for the past seven months and our time in quarantine has been filled with chaotic energy. She and I get compared a lot and are often deemed “twins” simply because we usually have the same hairstyle. And probably because we laugh at the same jokes, overanalyze things we’ve said ten years ago, and love all things va-va-voom (Fun! Vibrant! Sparkly! Colorful!).

Living with her has been one hell of an experience and I’ve learned so much from her (and myself — more to say about that later). I learned the majority of “adulting” while attending college, but there were some tricks and tips I needed to catch up on.

Here are ten things I’ve learned from living with my sister:

1. Joy is found in the small things.

When quarantine began, Anna and I implemented various rituals to entertain ourselves and ensure we didn’t lose our minds while isolating in a small space. Things like drinking our morning coffee, while conversing about our feelings regarding the present or future helped ground us and give us the chance to express gratitude. Taking polaroids of daily wholesome moments, like cooking and creating a mess in the kitchen gave us something to document quarantine and laugh about. These small things ultimately bring me joy, especially on “couch days,” when all I want to do is wallow in negativity.

Polaroids as proof of our wholesome moments

2. Transform your most-lived space into a cozy nook.

Anna’s couch is where I spend most of my days. Whether I’m having a good day and basking in the afternoon light, or having a “couch day,” you can find me there. I treasure the moments I spend on this lovely pink couch that automatically cheers me up. I curl up on it with a soft blanket, a good book, and a warm cup of tea and forget about everything bothering me.

Me very happy on the couch after a successful job interview

Me very sad and having a "couch day"

3. A walk is the ultimate mood-lifter.

Having a bad day? Take a walk. Feeling overwhelmed? Take a walk.

Walking brings me out of the inner workings of my mind and into the present. By focusing on the steps I take, observing my surroundings, and paying attention to how the outside air feels, I automatically feel better. Sometimes I challenge myself to the “5-4-3-2-1” mindfulness tool and rely on my five senses to ease whatever uncomfortable feelings I’m experiencing. Doing this while walking is a game-changer.

4. Properly doing laundry is a useful skill I should’ve learned a long time ago.

Prior to living with Anna, I was that lazy person who never sorted clothes when doing laundry and then was shocked when all the whites would turn grey, or when jeans turned out discolored and covered with lint (note to self: never wash jeans with towels).

Now, I make sure to wash delicates on their proper cycle, keep towels together, and change my bedsheets weekly. Who would’ve thought that clean sheets actually give you a better night’s sleep?!

5. Moisturizing the rest of your body is just as important as moisturizing your face!

I used to believe moisturizer was simply a hoax marketing geniuses came up with to keep people buying more lotions and creams. Do they really work? I’m still unsure, but all I know is that slathering on a boujee lotion after showering is a luxurious experience that needs a definition of its own.

6. A little scoop of ice-cream daily is good for the soul.

I once didn’t eat refined sugar for three months and instead of feeling healthy, I felt miserable because I missed out on enjoying birthday cakes, the taste of fresh early morning donuts, and the chewiness of soft-baked cookies.

Now after dinner, Anna and I treat ourselves to a scoop of whatever ice-cream we have. Currently, we are enjoying some Tillamook’s Birthday Cake and I savor every bit of it. A little sugar rush doesn't hurt!

Scoop(s) of dessert

7. Keep a running “wishlist” for your favorite online stores.

Whenever I find a piece of clothing that screams “TORI,” I am quick to purchase it. But weeks later, I catch the item online again and notice its drop in price. So, to not beat myself up over how I could’ve saved a pretty penny, I now use Anna’s pro-tip.

When scrolling through my favorite online stores, I save the items in my wishlist. After I fill it with miscellaneous pieces, I leave the list alone. Every once in awhile, I’ll check the store and see if any of my wishlist items are not only still giving me spark, but if they’re also on sale. If they still make my heart race AND they’ve dropped in price, I seal the deal.

8. Grocery Outlet wines beat Trader Joe’s.

At Grocery Outlet, I couldn’t believe the amount of wine I got at half the price of those at Trader Joe’s. The best part about their wine is that you can find super fancy bottles that only cost $2.99. I feel so well-versed with their wine selection that I’m hoping Grocery Outlet will need a sommelier.

9. Reading two hours before bed truly knocks you out.

There’s nothing better than completing your night routine with a good book as you drift off to sleep. It helps me unwind, escape into an alternate universe, and it gives me the sweetest dreams and the best night’s sleep.

10. Do what makes you feel good.

If your friends urge you to go out, but you want to stay in, just stay in! If you want to wear clashing patterns, just do it! If you want to treat yourself to a glass of wine, enjoy it!

You are responsible for your own choices. Remember that and own that!


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