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My Morning Commute

Every morning I shut the front door and set off to walk or bike to my parents' house, where I work from.

I prefer walking because it elongates my commute, making it a full 25 minutes. I pop my Airpods in and choose a podcast or playlist to listen to while I observe what's around me. I leave the house at 7:30, so no one's really out at that time. If it's an extra foggy morning, sometimes I get paranoid walking solo. I strain my eyes to make sure no one will come up and grab me through the misty thick low-lying clouds.

Most days, it's quite nice out, so I stroll peacefully. Walking has become my own form of meditation and it's perfect for those days when I can't focus in a cross-legged position.

After not-so-great meditation sessions, I'm always happy to take a walk and attempt mindfulness once more.

As my feet hit the pavement, I remind myself meditation is all about practice. Once my thoughts drift elsewhere and I realize I missed the last three minutes of my podcast, I rewind and begin again. I ground myself and observe what's around me.

I've walked down the same path so many times that I now notice who else is heading out to work. I send them positive vibes and wish them a productive and easy work day. I often wonder how others are feeling in the morning and what their morning routines are like...I wonder if they were barely making it out the door on time, scrambling their belongings before hitting the road. That's always a stressful feeling.

I feel comforted when I see the same individuals on my commute. The same truck drivers delivering goods to my favorite neighborhood store and the same sporty man with his daily cup of joe that nods and smiles at me every time. Or when I catch cartoons playing inside the same home on the corner.

I get bursts of energy from watching dogs run in circles in the park, as their owners stand off to the side bundled and masked up, participating in morning banter with one another. It seems everyone needs their morning routine to get ready for the day.

It's these little things that make me realize it's not so bad.

Do you have a morning commute that makes it easier to work from home?



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