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Intro Week and the Flu

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

As we moved on campus, all students were placed in “Intro Week Families.”  We spent an entire week with these families, which were led by second-year students.

"we go for gold!"

I found this to not be very useful just because I already went through my freshman year experience at UCSB, but nonetheless, this was a useful way to meet other Dutch and international students.  Overall, I have been enjoying my time here.  Everyone is quite wild here – more wild than at UCSB, which is funny because UCSB is considered a “party school.”  Regardless, the bar on campus is fun and my friends and I always dance the night away.  

this school knows how to party

However, I noticed that Dutchies tend to not dance.  Instead, many of them socialize outside as opposed to hanging out on the dancefloor.  Next time, I will also join them for a little bit outside, but I just love to dance so much, so we shall see.  

It has been overwhelming meeting so many new students and at times, I do feel like a freshman. In addition, Dutchies are not very personable.  So, I think they get thrown off by my friendliness, but at the same time, that is me, so I’ll just continue smiling.  

california girls

I almost made it by going to all the parties during Intro Week, but then the flu got to me.  I had a fever, stuffy nose, a cough, and a sore throat.  It has been two weeks and I still feel ill, but it has been getting better.  I have not had time to just rest, since school has started and I am constantly on the go, so this weekend I will give myself a true “self-care” weekend.  

It has also gotten gloomier in Utrecht, since the weather is now more fall-like.  I got quite sad the other day because I am so impatient when it comes to giving myself time to heal, and I just felt pathetic because I have not been socializing as much. So, I decided to join a yoga studio and after my first class, I truly felt better.  I think I will continue going to it because it will keep me sane, while I am engulfed in academics.  

Because of today’s yoga lesson and my doctor’s visit, I learned that taking time for oneself is very important so I can be my best self to those around me.  This is such a simple concept, but so difficult to execute.  

Anyways, I apologize for not being as active…I was ill and uninspired. BUT, things will change. :)


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