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To Muse on This Weekend:

Hi, friends!

I haven't done one of these compilations in a while. I've been swamped with work and I am doing my best to post weekly. Although my goal was to post twice a week, I'm starting to realize how difficult that is to accomplish when working full-time. Anyways, I hope you can forgive me.

Besides that, how have you been? February is right around the corner! How are you feeling about that?

I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend. Here are some things to muse on:

This essay about dream jobs by Clio Chang made me realize I have a lot of unlearning to do. This piece is about how the idea of "dream jobs" needs to be eradicated. We are so caught up with the idea of "doing what we love" and that work shouldn't feel like work if we're doing what we love. But as seen in this essay, in which Chang interviews people who seemingly have dream jobs, such as being a park ranger, or a recipe tester, it becomes clear that their "dream jobs" are still in fact work. I mean, being a park ranger and out in the wilderness all day long seems like a dream, but wearing that park uniform as opposed to sporty outerwear, truly makes a difference. Yeah, you're out in nature, but you're working. And working isn't all that fun!

"We should understand work as work, and that no job,

no matter how much you love it, is an exception."

I'm not even three months into my SEO internship and I was thinking about whether I love it or not. As a high achiever, I was sad that I don't have any clear feelings about SEO. I'm good at what I do and I'm learning a lot, but is it my dream job or my dream field? I don't know. My therapist told me to rethink my idea of it. She suggested, "Why don't you think about how the positives of the job outweigh or even balance out the negatives?"

Her suggestion in conjunction with this essay gave me the wake up call I needed. First and foremost, there is no such thing as a dream job. Second, a job is a job. Third, as long as you're still finding joy and doing what you love on the side, then hey. I think that means you're doing life right.

Ben Howard released a brand new song called "What A Day." The music video features adorable bunnies that made me smile.

I discovered a new podcast called The Happiness Lab about the latest scientific findings and inspiring stories that make us rethink what happiness is. This episode with psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach introduced me to some new mindfulness tools.

One word: Bridgerton! I'm late to the game, but I just finished the first season on Netflix. I love the show and its exploration of relationships, sex, and love. I'll write an essay about it soon!

This conversation between Rick Glassman and Marc Maron felt like a young son bonding with his long-lost father. I loved every second of it.

This sweater vest is perfect.

Hope this list gives you some fun things to delve into this weekend!

See you soon!



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