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  • Writer's picturetorimuser

We Need to Talk

I'm always scared to talk about politics. It stems from my insecurities about not knowing enough about what's going on in the world. That's why in my circle of friends, I'm usually the listener. I listen to what they've been learning, I listen to their personal experiences, and I apply it to the knowledge I've gained through my Sociology classes.

Insecurities aside, what I do know and believe in is love and a just society. And from the events that happened earlier this week, I now have an angry, broken, and saddened heart. It's clear that the social and moral fabric of America is completely destroyed and nowhere to be found.

On Wednesday, it was horrific to watch Trump supporters take over the U.S. Capitol, mobbing the place where Congress was meeting to certify Biden's Electoral College victory. I'm disgusted how these extremists were respected by law enforcement. Videos circulated of a Trump supporter taking selfies with a police officer, another officer even carefully escorted a woman down the steps of the Capitol after the mob broke in.

The way this insurrection was handled was a slap-in-the-face and a blatant symbol of white privilege that is praised in America. During this past summer's Black Lives Matter protests in various states, images and videos circulated the media showing law enforcement's response to protestors. Police in Washington arrested 427 people between May 30 and June 2. Trump even allowed the use of tear gas on protestors, calling them "thugs." He encouraged the National Guard to step in and fight back.

The racial double standard is clearly visible, as about 69 people were arrested in Washington on Wednesday after rioting at the Capitol. President-elect Joe Biden tweeted, "No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protestors yesterday that they wouldn’t have been treated very differently than the mob that stormed the Capitol. We all know that’s true — and it’s unacceptable."

The two events looked very different. Law and order was used to suppress efforts of Black liberation during the BLM protests, yet white supremacists were given a free pass.

I'm ashamed of our country and how broken we are. 2020 showed me the importance of having hope, but it's getting harder and harder to have that glimmer of hope when racism and white supremacy are at the nation's forefront.

How do you feel about this? How are you fighting for what's right? I'm sending you love.


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