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  • Writer's picturetorimuser

How did you Celebrate Christmas?

It's no surprise this holiday season is a little different.

My family and I were hesitant to celebrate Christmas this year. Even though we have our little pod, it's still difficult to make sure each individual is still doing their part.

Besides this major part of the situation, there's still an extra layer of sadness to peel off during this holiday. Because we've all been cooped up in our homes since March, it's been harder to see life unfold and change in action. Normally, we'd be out and about during the holidays, which begin in November during Thanksgiving. During that time, we'd start going to various Friendsgivings, work parties, happy hours with friends, and evening dinners with the family. As December would roll around, we'd go to friends' parties, even more work parties, more happy hours, and a plethora of family events.

But because we sat at home all day, making the best of the situation by decorating our home for the festive holidays, it almost felt tedious to host a safe celebration. We got so used to the sameness that celebrating felt exhausting and almost pointless. I turned into a grinch and felt I had nothing to feel festive about.

I'm happy to say I was quite wrong though. Our family decided to gather and there was something about preparing to go over to my sister and brother-in-law's home that really lifted my mood. Anna and I made sugar cookies, spent an hour decorating them and laughing at our horrible frosting skills. I gawked at how her Christmas cake turned out and was a bit bitter that I had to make her infamous truffle mashed potatoes this year. I accommodated her because she decided to paint her nails a festive green shade an hour before leaving the house. Because we are sisters, I took one for the team. Luckily, the potatoes were edible.

my pod!

This blog post is a bit all over the place, but I guess the point is that you can always find a reason to smile no matter how impossible it may seem. Luckily, in this case, I decided to turn my frown upside down and celebrate Christmas with those most dear to me.

Thrifted Madewell dress (similar), Vagabond boots, Tory Burch purse

If you celebrate Christmas, what did you do this year?

Anyways, I'll see you in the New Year! x


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