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I Tried Manifesting for a Week and This is What Happened

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

The first time I learned about manifestation was through one of my favorite YouTubers, Meghan Hughes, who created an entire video about crystals and the power they carried.

After watching her video, I told my best friend about it and we went through a rabbit hole of finding the best crystal shop in town.

My dad drove us to a local shop, where we looked through a variety of crystals, trying to find one that connected with our energy.

We held the crystals in the palm of our hands and hoped for a spark of energy that showed us we found our own unique crystal that would help us manifest whatever we needed in our life at the moment, whether it be calmness, or a clearer mindset.

We left the store with a few crystals in our bags and then instagrammed just how cool we were.

I came home and "cleansed" my crystals by keeping them on my windowsill, but who knows if that actually worked. I was still skeptical about the power of crystals and to be frank, they just collected dust in my room.

Fast forward to years later when I stumbled upon more ideas surrounding the power of manifestation. The Law of Attraction was becoming popular among the social media influencers I was following, but to me, all of this seemed tedious. I would try to keep track of the Seven Laws of Attraction daily, but besides having an intense desire to achieve my goals and expressing gratitude for what I have in my life, I could not keep up with the other laws.

So, I gave up. However, just recently, YouTuber, Kayla Lashae posted a video about journaling as a way to manifest things from love interests to success in one's life.

She is also a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and to me, journaling seems like a more tangible way to manifest things into my life, as opposed to keeping a mental checklist of the laws in my head.

The interesting thing is that besides having a clear intention about the things one wants to manifest into their life by journaling, one has to journal as if they already have those things.

For instance, instead of writing, "I want a new job, where I can use my creative skills," one writes, "I have a job, where I use my creative skills." It is strange, but it is what manifestation entails.

After watching her video, I was caught in the middle between two extremes. Is manifestation real or not? How can one just manifest things into their life? Do we have control over the course of our life and what happens daily? Well, after manifesting for a week and journaling about my career and lifestyle goals, let's just say that to an extent, you can control your reality.

From my week of manifesting, this is what I learned.

Day 1:

The first line in my manifestation journal was, "I am healthy and happy."

Two weeks ago, I decided to make a lifestyle change because I did not like how I felt or how my favorite pants fit me.

I vowed to exercise more, cut out unhealthy carbs, and eliminate sugar from my diet. In summary, I am trying to live a paleo-based lifestyle. For the past two weeks, it has been hard. Although I do feel more energetic and positive, I still have cravings for things I used to enjoy without restraint. So, my journey has had very good days and also bad days, during which I question my decision to change my lifestyle and its worth. Am I doing it for me?

So, I manifested health and happiness into my life because I want to be kinder to myself, my body, and my mind.

Day 2:

In addition to my lifestyle change, I also decided to change my career goals and let me tell you, it is a lot to take in during this recent mercury in retrograde!

I took an interest in journalism and now it is all I think about. I want to read more, write more, and develop my own voice.

I manifested a vision of the future me working for a magazine, content with my work ethic and how my writing has improved.

Let us see if this happens.

Day 3:

I struggle with wanting fast results, whether it be to receive my oat-milk cappuccino within three minutes of ordering it, or receiving my mail on time. I want things fast, so I can move on with my day as planned without any problems.

As a millenial, who struggles with impatience, this posed a problem for me on my paleo journey.

My cravings for sweets and carbs were through the roof and even though I was strong and politely refusing Girl Scout Cookies that all my friends bought, I was frustrated I was not seeing results.

I still felt sluggish, but manifestation reminded me that lifestyle changes do not happen in a day.

People have always told me, "things don't happen overnight," but I would let it run past me. I did not like hearing things take time, whether it be about my body transformation after a workout, or even when I tried to learn hula hooping as a young child in 12 hours.

However, manifesting about this helped me put these words into perspective and into fruition. It helped me focus not on the future, but on the present and on everything I was doing right to achieve my goal.

So, I grew more patient with myself and my progress.

Day 4:

Manifesting is tiring. It is hard to be consistent because every day, since I want to manifest the same things into my life, like success, less worries, and a clearer idea of what I want my future career to be. Because I constantly aspire for these things, my journaling ends up repetitive.

However, this is the point of manifestation, since one wants to speak their hopes and dreams into existence. Therefore, repetition is encouraged, so I kept going.

Day 5:

Ever since I started manifesting confidence and feeling capable of living a paleo-based lifestyle, I noticed my days became easier. By this, I mean they went by faster because they were filled with activities that made my life full. I was doing exercises that made me feel good, eating tasty things, and staying hydrated.

Because I manifested more positivity, my days magically began on a positive note and ended with a sense of accomplishment.

Why don't people do this more often?

Day 6:

Anxiety levels decrease when I manifest because it helps me be thankful for what I have in my life, including a roof over my head and loving friends and family. Why do I worry when I have so much support around me?

Manifestation reminded me there is something more out there for me besides the stress I face in the present. The future will be filled with new careers and new responsibilities that hopefully will fulfill me.

Day 7:

My week of manifesting has come to an end and naturally, I manifested for the power to continue manifesting.

This week of journaling good things into my life has shown me the power of my mind. It can do so much on its own and bring in an overwhelming amount of energy. This energy can be positive, or the kind that drowns you and makes you rethink your whole life.

Manifestation has shown me that I have the power to change my mind and put my energy into something positive, so that I can get positivity in return.

I encourage everyone to try this because a little positivity cannot hurt us.


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