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The Mysterious Marc Maron

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

As I stepped foot into the Dynasty Typewriter Theater, I knew I was in for a treat.

The theater was dark and mysterious, just like the man I was about to see perform -- Marc Maron. Because I am a shameless fan, who is also enthralled by the stardom Los Angeles entails, I gasped as I took a picture of Maron propped on the wall.

I completely lost my breath when I heard a timid, "excuse me!" voiced behind me. However, the man led by the timid voice was not shy in any way. In fact, it was the brazen Marc Maron.

In the same, "I don't give a shit" tone he speaks with on his podcast, WTF, Maron resembled this aggressiveness and demeanor in real life.

He walked with slow strides, while piercingly looking around at those in the lobby of the theater.

I immediately got side-tracked. I knew Maron had a reputation of being a bully in the past and that he has undergone a lot of change, yet I was still naive to believe the remnants of his past have left him.

On his podcast, he is angry, blunt, effortlessly funny, and an avid lover of his cats. That was the man I was hoping to see, but as he walked past me, all I sensed was the angst.

However, as soon as he got on stage, all of that changed. He still walked with the same slow strides, but as he sat on the stool performing his stand-up, I finally saw the man I was hoping for. As he told stories about his neurotic father, his absent mother, and his romantic endeavors, his body curved awkwardly as he roared, "Goddammit. Why? Why?" about the burdensome events that occurred in his life.

I saw the real Marc Maron. The mysterious man that has lived a long life, has seen a lot of suffering, and yet can bring humor to the banes of life.


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