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To Muse on This Weekend:

Hi! What are you up to this weekend?

I'm looking forward to tidying up my space and catching up on some reading. I started reading The Master and Margarita (in Russian!) and I'm excited to dive into it with a nice cup of coffee on my porch. Hope you have a good weekend! Here are some things to muse on if your heart desires:

I'm excited to phonebank for Biden and Harris. Here's a link on how you can get involved to help them win the election.

This pumpkin soup recipe looks warm and delicious!

Reading this Wordsworth poem made me think about our relationship with nature. It's honestly hard for me to connect with it. I would argue that as a society, we are so separate from it. Ironically, we even go on nature trips simply to "unwind," and disconnect from our phones to connect with the wilderness. But then we go back to our old selves, post about our weekend getaways, and forget about what it was like to breathe in the fresh air, touch the earth, and appreciate life. This made me think about climate change. Part of me is happy I got to see some amazing natural scenery in my life so far, but it makes me sad to think one day I'll only have a memory of that natural scenery. Will Yellowstone still exist? Will Lake Tahoe remain crystal clear? The memory of nature isn't enough for me. I desperately want nature to continue existing. This line is jarring:

"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting"

The poem makes me wonder if we were born to only make memories...Is that it?

Here's an IG post my friend sent me that made me laugh:

I've been wanting a tattoo for so long. This tattoo of a Moka pot is so cute!

Here's a song for grooving!




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